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Aid projects

Emergency to save Valeria Shumak!
Emergency to save Valeria Shumak!   Lera who is 14 years old 3 years ago doctors diagno... Read more
St. Nicolas holiday in specialized school №1
St. Nicolas holiday in specialized school №1     The 19th of December Orthodox people all ov... Read more
Fund-raising campaign for Liza Gorobets is finished!
Fund-raising campaign for Liza Gorobets is finished!     Thanks to support of people' good will and U... Read more
«The Exhibition of the good» has collected 40 000 hryvnia!
«The Exhibition of the good» has collected 40 000 hryvnia!   The 18th of December 2013 benefactors have summed u... Read more
Benefactors saved Kherson museum art masterpieces
Benefactors saved Kherson museum art masterpieces   Currently in regional gallery of Shovkunenko the u... Read more
Project - Charitable Ukraine
Project - Charitable Ukraine   The celebration of benefactors holds on: Nati... Read more
"Marine Alphabet" goodness book of good   By new studying year in school number 44 suppo... Read more
Philanthropists transferred alphabet to schools in Kherson
Philanthropists transferred alphabet to schools in Kherson   Every year in First of September in all school... Read more
Benefactors saved exhibit nineteenth century
Benefactors saved exhibit nineteenth century   In mid-summer 2013, the project "Save the cultural ... Read more
A holiday for orphan children
A holiday for orphan children   July 25, 2013 in "Social and Psychological Reh... Read more
Benefactors have saved the vision to a child
Benefactors have saved the vision to a child    Thanks to support of people of goodwill and m... Read more
Healing tale for children of Kherson region
Healing tale for children of Kherson region      On 10 of july 2013, in Kherson Regional... Read more
Life of a little kherson girl have saved!
Life of a little kherson girl have saved!    Nastya Ishenko is 10 months. Now she could sm... Read more
But in charity there is no excess...

Francis Bacon

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