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The Ustin Maltsev Foundation congratulated Kherson citizens with Happy Easter


The representatives of the Ustin Maltsev Foundation on the eve of the great spiritual feast of Easter congratulated the residents of the city of Kherson. The Foundation organized a meeting with vulnerable groups of the city's population and handed out Easter food sets to them.
The Ustin Maltsev Foundation representative commented on the event : "Our foundation conducts systematic activities dedicated to important spiritual holidays. Our task is not only to help, but to set an example for entrepreneurs, businessmen, public figures to join efforts to support vulnerable groups of population in our hometown. This year, the Easter food set contains Cahor wine and Easter cake. "
Marya Petrovna, an elderly resident of the city of Kherson who could hardly hold back her tears was simply delighted and moved to the depths of her soul with care and support: "We are very grateful to the Ustin Maltsev Foundation for the fact that in such a difficult time of war and pandemics, the foundation does not forget about the elderly. They are our real heroes. We would like to wish them energy, strength and well-being ".








In all giving, give thought. With thoughtful giving, even small sums may accomplish great purposes.

Fred G. Meyer

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