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The Ustin Maltsev Foundation creates infrastructure in residential areas of the city


Helping children from low-income and large families, orphans, holding events for the development of children and creating infrastructure for their leisure is one of the priority areas of activity of the Ustin Maltsev Charitable Foundation.
Systematic work in this direction gives a much greater effect when parents themselves are involved in solving problems. Joint planning of the development of territories for children's leisure in courtyards, parks and squares allows taking into account the opinions and wishes of parents of different age groups.
Thanks to active support of Ustin Maltsev, the head of the charitable foundation, his ability to communicate with people, make plans together and implement them involving city residents resulted in construction of new children's sandboxes, swings, playgrounds, children's and sports grounds in the city.





In all giving, give thought. With thoughtful giving, even small sums may accomplish great purposes.

Fred G. Meyer

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