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Welcoming Maslenitsa – saying good bye to the winter!


     One of the main events dedicated to the end of the merry week of Maslenitsa festival took place on Friday, March 11th in the municipal institution of Kherson regional council in the "Center of social and psychological rehabilitation of children" of Stepanovka village. Maslenitsa as any other holiday should be delicious, joyful and spent in the family circle. Yet, not everyone has such a possibility and, unfortunately, not all kids can fully enjoy this holiday. Activists from the non-governmental organization "Union "WE - PEOPLE OF KHERSON", Charity foundation named after Ustin Maltsev and inspector of youth prevention department of main administration of national police of Ukraine in Kherson region Yulia Martynova decided to cheer the children up and to make a celebration for them. The inhabitants of the city also did not remain indifferent about the children from the orphanage. An active lady from Kherson, Anna Poliakova, also joined Maslenitsa festival. As it should be there were a lot of golden crepes with honey and jam, tea from samovar and other treats. The celebration was cheerful and heartwarming. The kids with their songs and dances put smiles on the faces of the guests. And in the end of the celebration, as it befits, the main Maslenitsa ritual - burning of the scarecrow, saying good bye to the winter till the next year was carried!

Kherson charity fund Ustin Maltsev help support good please rescue Charitable Foundation

    « The celebration is over and our kids, our fosterlings just have to make a wish with the anticipation that this spring will definitely bring desired changes to their lives. There is nothing more important for the children than a feeling of being loved and protected in their families. And these are us, adults, who are responsible for making one's childhood happy, creating the conditions for the proper forming of one's personality. We thank heartily all the people supporting our charity children who badly need warmth and love", commented Anna Alekseevna Bykova, the director of the Center.

Kherson charity fund Ustin Maltsev help support good please rescue Charitable Foundation

    Maslenitsa is one of the most loved, richest and merriest popular celebrations. It is associated with the beginning of spring and large amount of golden crepes at the table. Maslenitsa does not have a fixed date and is celebrated seven weeks prior to the Easter, usually in the second half of February or early days of March.

Kherson charity fund Ustin Maltsev help support good please rescue Charitable Foundation


The charitable give out the door and God puts it back through the window.

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