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The heart of little football player Andrey is saved


  Due to the kind help of concerned people and the support of the Ustin Maltsev Charitable Foundation, the fundraising campaign for the lifesaving heart surgery for Andrei Goncharov, Ukraine, was closed on October 28, 2015.
In 2014, after a purulent tonsillitis, Andrey was diagnosed with a severe pathological condition: defect of cardiac septum CH1. Eminent Ukrainian cardiologists will apply a safe method of treatment using an intracardiac implant, the Figulla Flex ll ASD occluder, which will cover the defect. The operation will be conducted free of charge.
  However, for the immediate surgery, it was necessary to purchase the occluder, the cost of which is 75.000 UAH. This sum is unmanageable for Andrey's parents, who live in Nikopol, Ukraine, so, in order to save the life of their only son, they depended on the help of apprehensive people. In the early 2015, the Charity started fund raising activities, and, thanks to all the compassionate people who responded, the entire sum required to cover the cost of the occluder was upraised by the end of October 2015.
  By combined efforts of those who cared we have managed to get the necessary sum of 75.000 (3.300 US dollars).
  Andrey's parents and the Ustin Maltsev Charitable Foundation express their deepest gratitude to all the kind-hearted people, and special thanks to the City Council of Nikopol, as well as all those people who did not remain indifferent to the misery of the Goncharovs family, who responded to their call for help, extended their mercy and support, and helped save the life of a child!

Thank you for your kindness!

The charitable give out the door and God puts it back through the window.

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