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A healthy heart for little Maksim


  2 year old boy, Maksim Sheiko, from Dnepropetrovsk on the second day of his birth had a congenital heart defect, atrial septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus. More than 2 years Maksim’s mother followed doctor’s recommendations and was consistent with all the demands in the hope that child patent ductus arteriosus would closed in natural way. Child is in poor health, and it is prevent to close PDA.
  Maksim is cheerful, kind and energetic child who wants to live a healthy and full life. Child needs an operation to close PDA with endovascular method. Clinic has already found. The operation will take place in Kiev at "Heart Institute of the Ministry of Ukraine" on free charge!!! The coast that implant is 51 895 UAH (2 500 USD).
  In this case, if the operation would not be carry out, it could be dangerous for child’s life. Patent ductus arteriosus may lead not only to a number of chronic diseases and complications but also to serious disruption of heart and lungs. After all, when blood regurgitating into the lungs happens, the child would throttle, and the consequences could be unpredictable.
  Maksim’s mother and Ustin Maltsev Charitable Fund ask you to support and help to save the boy! Only together we are able to give Maksim a chance for a full and happy life without pain.

Bank details for donations:
PrivatBank card: 5168 7555 0504 3287
Owner: Sheiko Anastasia (Maksim’s mother)
Contacts: +38 96 761 91 50 (Maksim’s mother)

My piece of bread only belongs to me when I know that everyone else has a share, and that no one starves while I eat.

Leo Tolstoy

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