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"The princess Ball" was held in boarding school


   The specialized secondary boarding school of Kherson Regional Council held a special spring event. The pupils prepared a holiday for invited guests on March 8. The Ustin Maltsev Foundation, which takes an active part in the spiritual and physical development of children, attended the event. Girls prepared "The princess Ball". Children demonstrated their talents, and received gifts from the Ustin Maltsev Fund: toys, pens, albums, educational games, etc.

   The Public figure, Ustin Maltsev, said: "We try to pay as much attention to children as we can, creating assistance projects. We gave children a lot of new toys, things, and necessary household items. The healthy and happy children are the success and prosperity of our country".
The holiday has gone right!

My piece of bread only belongs to me when I know that everyone else has a share, and that no one starves while I eat.

Leo Tolstoy

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