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The tournament of Alexandr Beresh took place!



   The holiday of sport took place! It is the eighth year in a row that Kherson regional fund of Alexandr Beresh and its leader Svetlana Beresh gather all sport potential of sport gymnastics of Ukraine in our town. During two days in the framework of Ukrainian tournament "Young gymnast" the spectators observed not childish struggle for the places on the pedestal. "Spectacular, impressive, beautiful", - shared Kherson people their impressions. "Acrobats are so small but so clever, talented and hard working". All the participants got traditionally T-shirts with the tournament logo and the best of them were awarded valuable prizes. Medalists in the I and II categories and candidates in masters of sport were awarded diplomas, medals and money prizes. "Gold" equaled 700 hrivnas, "silver" - 500 hrivnas and "bronze" - 300 hrivnas.

The best among the young gymnasts became:

Candidates in masters of sport
1 place - Savenko Dmitriy (Kirovograd) with the result of 73,8 points
2 place - Vasilenko Maxim (Kherson) - 73,6
3 place - Kvasnin Andrey (Kharkov) - 73,1

I category
1 place - Smirnov Anton (Tsherkassi) - 74,1
2 place - Kravchenko Artem (Tsherkassi) - 72,9
3 place - Marchenko Oleg (Tsherkassi) - 69,9

II category
1 place - Smirnov Artem (Tsherkassi) - 78,9
2 place - Naumenko Nazariy (Tsherkassi) - 77,8
3 place - Kovalenko Artem (Dneprodzerzhinsk) - 77,7


   Hard trainers' work was not left aside, this is why the mentors of today's champions were also awarded money prizes of 500 hrivnas. Among the trainers' one should mention Irina Nadiuk, the leader of the youth sport club "Olympia", Tsherkassi. Results of her gymnasts speak for themselves. 
   But not only prizes inspired the acrobats for decent performances. Everyone of them knows the famous Ukrainian sportsman in whose honor these competitions take place. Alexandr Beresh (12.10.1977-29.02.2004) - a double prizewinner of Olympic games, an absolute champion of Europe, a champion of the World Universidad, a multiple winner of championships and cups of Ukraine. His example will always inspire for achievements. Alexandr Beresh was a universal gymnast who mastered all shells. But his favorite one was a crossbar. It is on this shell where Alexandr won most of all medals on the international arena. This is why at every tournament an additional prize for the best shell gymnast is given. Today the winner was Savenko Dmitriy, Kirovograd. 
   In one month an acrobat from Tsherkassi, Kovtun Ilya, will be 9 years. A traditional prize of "The youngest participant" in the amount of 500 hrivnas was given to him. 
   Many Kherson people visited the tournament. There were also present representatives of government and business, social leaders and charity people. Yatsenko Andrey Anatolievich, the leader of education administration, told to all the audience the appeal of Nikolay Kostyuk, the head of Kherson regional administration, and promised that the sport hall where the event takes place will be repaired according to the European standards this year. 
   Ustin Maltsev, head of the charity fund, said that the tournament of Alexandr Beresh has become a tournament of the national scale long time ago. With every year the number of participating regions grows. Name of Alexandr Beresh becomes a sport calling card not only of Kherson but of the whole country. He added that he is happy to be the part of of this holiday of sport and health. Making a conclusion Ustin Maltsev thanked all who made their feasible contribution in the organization of the eighth Ukrainian children's tournament in sport gymnastics "Young Gymnast", all the friends of the tournament who supported its organizer Svetlana Beresh. "Gymnastics is the basis for many kinds of sport, therefore the basis of the nation's health. Only uniting efforts we can revive Olympic glory of Kherson region and raise our children decent Ukrainians."

The smallest good deed is better than the grandest good intention.


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