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Urgent surgery for Diana Vikhlyaeva


Диана Вихляева

  10 year old Diana Vikhlyaeva can't move self-dependent due to her birth trauma. The doctors diagnosed spastic diplegia and planovalgus deformity.
  Diana is very curious girl, she likes to write, read, listen to music, and dreams to move self-dependent at school with her coevals, but her big dream is dancing. The girl needs an urgent surgery for her feet. The treatment will be held at G.I. Turner specialized podiatric institute in St. Petersburg. The cost of surgery is       50 000 Hryvnas (5 000 USD). The doctors will do thinning of the nerves and tendons cropping, feet fragmentation and setting feet in the correct position.
  Since her birth Diana's parents fought with insidious disease of their daughter. The parents used up all the possibilities. Recently the real chance for help has appeared and doctors at G.I. Turner specialized podiatric institute in St. Petersburg have assured us that the girl will be able to move self-dependent!
  If surgery is not successful the child can be wheelchair-bounded for the rest of her life. For Diana's parents the costs are very high and that's why they ask for help.
  The Ustin Maltsev Foundation and Diana's mother ask for your help to raise money for the surgery. We ask all concerned to respond to this issue . Let us help Diana to be healthy and happy child!

Bank details for money transfer :
"PrivatBank" card № : 4405885821196059 - for payments in UAH
Payment for : Diana Vikhlyaeva

(mobile) : +38 066-19-15-436 Anzhela Vikhlyaeva (mother)

The smallest good deed is better than the grandest good intention.


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