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St. Nicholas Day in Tsyurupynsk boarding


December 19, 2012 in Tsyurupynsk specialized boarding school I-II levels of Kherson Regional Board by сharity foundation of Ustin Maltsev was given:

- watercolor paint - 14 pieces
- brushes for painting - 6 pieces
- markers - 20 sets
- art galleries - 10 pieces
- clay - 8 sets
- soft toys - 45 pieces
- sets of colored paper - 5 pieces
- games for the motor development of children - 15 pieces
- clothing ( age 10-14 years )

All things have been collected by the people of Kherson within the socio-charitable action «Be an angel of goodness for the orphans».

Every act of kindness and charity is a stepping stone towards Heaven.


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