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Gifts for children from Tsyurupynsk specialized boarding school I-II stages of the Kherson Regional Council


December 23, 2011 in Tsyurupynsk specialized boarding school I-II stages of the Kherson Regional Council by сharity fund of Ustin Maltsev were passed:

- stationery ( 8 sets of plastilin, 40 albums of art, 5 watercolor paints, colored markers 40 sets, 20 bottles of glue PVA )
- literature for children - 70 books
- toys - 120 toys and 10 sets of developing constructors
- clothes ( age 10-14 years )

All things were collected by Kherson residents in social charity action "Be Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for orphans", which was held in the period from 01.12.2011 to 15.01.2012

Every act of kindness and charity is a stepping stone towards Heaven.


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